Note from the Principal- Nov. 2021 | Northwest Public Schools
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Northwest Public Schools | March 13, 2025

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Note from the Principal- Nov. 2021

Parents & Guardians,

It is crazy to think we are almost half way through the second quarter and nearing the Holiday Season. Remember the calendar is a little different this year. Thanksgiving Break will begin on Wednesday, November 22. Typically this has been a noon dismissal day but this year it will be a full day out. 

1R Winter Concert will be on Thursday,  December 2nd at 7:00 PM at Northwest High School Auditorium. 

Hopefully everyone received a hard copy of your child’s report card. Those were sent home with your child on October 27th. If you did not receive a copy you may still access those report cards in the PowerSchool Parent Portal. If you have any questions feel free to contact the office. 

Middle School winter sport season is kicking off here soon. Girls Basketball is getting underway this week. Reminder – ALL girls home basketball games will be played at Cedar Hollow. Wrestlers have been practicing and will have their first meet next week at GICC. We wish them the best of luck this winter. Middle School Quiz Bowl in district competition will be November 19th at Cedar Hollow. 

The second middle school trimester began this week. Mr. Spiehs has joined us and will be teaching Careers during this time. Students will have the opportunity to explore careers, jobs and opportunities for their futures. 8th grade will also have a trimester of Health. Thank you to Mrs. Felske for a great start in Technology during the first trimester. 

We had 34 Middle Schoolers make the Honor Roll. Congratulations to all these students for their hard work this first quarter! 

6th -Presley Arends*, Mya Arens, Shane Cornelius*, Layden Glandt, Reagan Hovie, Caden Irvine, Isabella Landon, Mallory Mader*, Seth Venteicher. 

7th– Serenity Czarnick, Emerson McIntyre*, Kamdyn Quandt*, Kylah Quandt*, Halle Rice, Elise Rush*, Trentyn Schrock, Chloe Thielen*, Ryker Vance.

8th- Peyton Allan, Ian Arends*, Brena Barnett, Evah Bremer, Khale Daniel*, Akeelah Harper, Sean Kelly, Eva Lindiman*, Ethan Mader*, Ethan Lundgren, Grayson Moorman, Jocelyn Neville, Joseph Sutherland, Isabelle Swanson, Roger VanBibber, Freya Veinteicher*

* Denotes all “A’s” 

A big thank you to Jayden Quandt for building a Gaga Ball Pit at 1R. Jayden completed this project as part of earning his Eagle Scout. Jayden is a current Junior at Northwest High School and a former 1R student. 1R students have been super excited to start playing! Again thank you and congratulations, Jayden!

Another big celebration this past month at 1R was the Penny Wars. K-8 students were challenged in the month of October to bring pennies to raise money toward the Northwest Capital Campaign Project. This renovation project is to help replace the football field with turf, replace and add seating to the grandstands, lighting and add a fieldhouse. Students were super excited to contribute to this future project they will benefit from. The Penny Wars was a great way for students to contribute and have fun by sabotaging other grade levels. All three K-8 schools participated in the Penny Wars. Congratulations to the 1R 7th grade class for raising  the most at 1R. 1R school raised just  a little over $1,900 toward the new complex. Across the district three schools raised about $8,300. Great job and thank you students, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles etc…  for giving your students coins and contributing to the future of Northwest! 

PTO will be wrapping up a couple of holiday fundraisers. Wreaths/Greenery should be arriving around November 18th just in time for Thanksgiving. Poinsettia plants will be arriving in the early part of December. Please be looking for more information to come on those deliveries in the next few weeks. 

Winter Reminder – We will go outside as much as possible for recess. Please make sure children are dressing appropriately as the seasons change – coats, hats, mittens and gloves. If there is snow on the playground they must have snow pants and boots to play in it. Otherwise, they have to stay on the concrete. They need to bring a separate pair of boots for outside recess unless they are rubber or water resistant shoes.

We will utilize Power School as our mass communication delivery system this year for weather closings. Please check that your information is updated and current in Power School so you may receive important school and district information. Announcements will also be made on KOLN/KGIN 10/11 (Lincoln), KSNB Local 4, KHGI Channel 13 and KRGI Radio along with Northwest social media accounts. 

On behalf of the staff and myself, we thank you for your continued support. If you have questions regarding your children’s education, please do not hesitate to contact the office at 385-6352.


Mr. Retzlaff, Principal